Hate To Break It To You But Your Expectations Truly Are The Root Of Your Heartache
“Expectations are the root of all heartache.” — Shakespeare
Here’s the thing, you expect others to treat you with the same amount of love, respect, and compassion as you deliver, but that’s just not the case. This is where you’re different. So, how many disappointments will it take for you to walk away? For you to realize that you deserve better than what has been given to you after all these years. How long do you allow your heart to hang heavy within your chest, answering each how are you with a simple “I’m fine.”
I get it. You like the idea of living in the light of raw vulnerability, but everything to leave your fingertips is polished because you’re scared of what will happen when the brick wall you built finally crumbles. While that is valid given your history, it is no way to live. You’ve been more honest with a roomful of strangers than the people who stand by you because it’s easier to expose your heart to a group of strangers you may never see again.Because you’ve had these words sitting on the tip of your tongue for a month but never quite found the courage to open your mouth because you’ve done that before. You’ve laid everything out in the open and allowed your heart to fall in someone else’s hands only to be disappointed. Only to discover this person is not ready for the universe that is you. So you started to silence yourself, toned down the bits of you that you believed were the most exquisite of all because a few people couldn’t handle it.
The most heartbreaking part, through all of the hurt, you only blamed yourself.